My spouse won't go.
It won't work.
I'm scared.
I don't believe in it.
God will heal me.
I didn't like the last counselor I saw.
I work too much.
I'm too busy.
I went a few times already.
It's not my fault.
Things will work out on their own.
All families have problems.
It's not that bad.
I am ashamed to go.
Sometimes folks get used to being unhappy. They forget what normal is. They forget what love really feels like. It's not normal to cry yourself to sleep. It's not normal to avoid discussing problems. It's not normal to be uncooperative with your family members. Name calling is not loving. Pushing or shoving or throwing tantrums are not okay. Just co-existing is not what God has in mind for our lives.
Don't wait to get help to make your life all God intends it to be. Find someone wise to talk to. Get some answers to things that have overwhelmed you. You are worth it. God made you for more.