Why does it take so long for me to remember to ask the Holy Spirit to intervene on my head games? This week I enjoyed a long walk in just the right location, yet the whole time my head was definitely in the wrong location. After 45 minutes, when I passed this gorgeous tree I realized my time was almost up. Yet, I had used that time to dwell on negative, pervasive thoughts. Bingo...because my time was almost done, I appealed to the Holy Spirit to give me some peace. Of course, it was given. Perhaps I can remember to ask for what I need as my feet hit the trail, rather than when I am almost back to my car.
We work with unhealthy thinking in Anger Management. There are currently four ongoing classes for Anger Management at Desert Streams Christian Counseling Clinic. New classes are being formed to begin in March. Please call/text 269-808-1918 for enrollment information. Anger Management classes are typically covered by most health care.