"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." Romans 8:28

Friday, July 17, 2015

Feeling too much

Become one or stay two?

Ever had the experience of feeling too much for others?   I've been known  to come along side someone and just share their pain.  Become one with them, so to speak. Wallow in the emotion...together!!! Somewhere along the way I learned that sometimes (maybe lots) I felt things for other people that they weren't even feeling. A veil was lifted! 

Last week I felt for another person something they were completely over.  I put out my boundary, refused a request.  Then for the next 15 minutes I had to talk to myself about why it was appropriate for me to refuse.  I got over it because I decided that it was in fact an appropriate refusal.  However, I later found out that I spent about 14 1/2 minutes longer being upset than the other party.

So, the take away is, sometimes it is necessary and healthy to put your boundaries out...refuse a request...say no.  Most of the time, even though the other party might not be happy at the time, they will immediately get over it...you should, too.